Turning Bad to Good
Turning Bad to Good
preached by the Rev. Lowell E. Grisham, O.A., Rector
Paul's Episcopal Church, Fayetteville, Arkansas
18, 2016; 18 Pentecost, Proper 20, Year C,
Track 2
Revised Common Lectionary
(Luke 16:1-13) Jesus said to the disciples, "There was a rich
man who had a manager, and charges were brought to him that this man was
squandering his property. So he summoned him and said to him, `What is this
that I hear about you? Give me an accounting of your management, because you
cannot be my manager any longer.' Then the manager said to himself, `What will
I do, now that my master is taking the position away from me? I am not strong
enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg. I have decided what to do so that, when
I am dismissed as manager, people may welcome me into their homes.' So,
summoning his master's debtors one by one, he asked the first, `How much do you
owe my master?' He answered, `A hundred jugs of olive oil.' He said to him,
`Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it fifty.' Then he asked another,
`And how much do you owe?' He replied, `A hundred containers of wheat.' He said
to him, `Take your bill and make it eighty.' And his master commended the
dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly; for the children of this age
are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than are the children of
light. And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of dishonest wealth
so that when it is gone, they may welcome you into the eternal homes.
is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much; and whoever is dishonest
in a very little is dishonest also in much. If then you have not been faithful
with the dishonest wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches? And if you
have not been faithful with what belongs to another, who will give you what is
your own? No slave can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one
and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot
serve God and wealth."
The whole economic system in Jesus' day was unjust and
exploitative. During his lifetime, there was a profound transfer of land
ownership in Israel. Parcels of land which generations of families had owned
and farmed were lost. The Roman economic system was stacked against them. Local
peasant farmers found themselves manipulated into debt and eventually forced to
forfeit their property to wealthy, absentee international overlords who often retained
these same peasant families to work as sharecroppers for foreign masters on
what used to be their own land, and to do so for wages that were at or below
subsistence level. In the Roman Empire, wealth and income became concentrated
in the hands of fewer and fewer elites. It was a corrupt and ruthless system.
A wealthy absentee owner would employ a local manager to oversee
his business interests. A manager was under great pressure to produce big
profits to enhance the owner's power and prestige in the deadly competitive world
of Roman social and political politics. Here's how it worked:
A manager contracted with the local sharecroppers by
creating a debt. The manager paid a certain amount of money for an agreed
amount of oil or wheat due at harvest. But Jewish law forbade the charging of interest
on debts. So the merchant hid the interest by including the price plus interest
in a single figure. The hidden interest rate was 25% for money and 50% for
goods that could spoil or be tampered with.
So imagine a sharecropper and a manager agreeing to a
harvest price for 50 jugs of olive oil. The manager would then write on the
books 75 jugs instead of the agreed 50, hiding the interest in the total. Everything
written down would belong to the absentee landowner. The manager made his money
under the table, with an unrecorded payment from the sharecropper for the
privilege of making a loan at 50% interest to deliver 75 jugs of olive oil for
the price of 50.
It was a rotten system, and everyone hated everyone else
because it was so fundamentally exploitative. Owners squeezed their managers
for high profits, managers squeezed the sharecroppers for low prices, then the
managers embezzled what they could off the books, while money flowed uphill
toward the elites. Suspicion abounded.
So Jesus tells a story of some debtor sharecroppers exposing
a manager's fraud. The absentee owner calls for the books, a sign that he will
fire the manager. Quickly the manager calls in the debtors before they know he
is to be fired, and he cooks the books, reducing their debts by the amount of
hidden interest which was the owner's profit. The manager is trying to make
friends. It's a risky and bold move.
In the Middle East everybody shares their news with
everybody else. Very soon throughout the village everyone would have been
praising the manager and his master for their generosity and honor.[i]
Now the master has to decide what to do. To retract the
agreement would cost him great honor and turn all of that the praise into
insult. In the Roman world, honor was more valuable than money. So the master
praises his shrewd manager, knowing even without the hidden interest, he's made
a good profit. And everyone is happy. Here's how one scholar explains it:
The parable began with
the usual social scripts: owners distrust managers; peasants hate managers;
managers cheat both tenants and owners. But by means of his outrageous
actions, the manager manages to reverse all these scripts so that, at the close
of the parable, peasants are praising the master, the master commends the
manager, and the manager has relieved the burden on the peasants and kept his
Out of this miserable system of deceit and exploitation
comes something that seems like a piece of the kingdom of heaven, a new
community of generosity and joy.
So here's where I'd like to take this parable. I find myself
strained and conflicted right now by so many people and so many systems that
seem dysfunctional, unjust and exploitative, from the EpiPen scandal to the
presidential race. There is so much deceit and dishonesty, greed and corruption,
suspicion and manipulation, that it is very easy to become depressed or cynical.
But Jesus invites us to imagine a new order that can break though scandal and
outrage, even by means of a dishonest manager and dishonest wealth.
Here is one of the ways I try to maintain hope. I have come
to believe that nearly everyone is trying to do the best they can. When you
consider the insight, resources, and emotional nourishment available to them, people
generally are doing the best they can. Even when people do things that I think
are wrong, if I take into consideration that person's own experience, their level
of understanding and conscious awareness; if I take into account their fears,
suffering, or their state of emotional nourishment, I can usually understand something
of how they came to act as they did, as bad as it seems. If I can get to that
understanding, I can usually nurture some empathy for them. Even when people
are doing pretty wrong-headed and destructive things, they probably are doing
the best they can. I find some consolation and even some hope in that.
The other way I maintain hope is to believe that God is
always bringing new life out of death. God loves, God forgives, and God creates
resurrection. That's what God does. That's the story of the cross. Look for the
signs of new life emerging out of our brokenness.
Here's an example. Because I have experienced God as
infinite love, and because I believe every human being is created in the image
and likeness of God, I have a visceral aversion to a popular but wrong-headed
way of presenting the Gospel. Some Christians divide humanity into saved and
unsaved, us and them, and imply that God will eternally torment anyone who
doesn't believe just right. It's a world view that is almost the opposite of
what we see in Jesus. But that's the way some people have understood the
Gospel, and they believe that conscientiously. But they bug the fire out of me.
Some of you remember Pat Robertson, a TV evangelist. Bugged
the fire out of me. And yet, in his desire that every person be literate enough
to read the Bible, his ministry developed and funded an excellent literacy
program that they gave away free to anyone. We used that resource in my church
in Jackson, Mississippi, for a tutoring program at a nearby elementary school.
And I am grateful to Pat Robertson for that.
When my friend Sam Totten has risked his life to bring food
to starving people in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, one of the most dangerous
and tragic places on the globe, Sam has received transportation and support from
Franklin Graham's ministry in the ground there. I rarely appreciate Franklin
Graham's interpretation of the Gospel, but I applaud his relief work in Sudan.
One more preacher-evangelist who is on my "thank
you" list. Our former governor Mike Huckabee, whose theology I usually
can't endorse, was a champion on behalf of Arkansas children, helping start our
acclaimed "ARKids First" Medicaid program, as well as our ABC
pre-school education that helps thousands of at-risk children get up to speed
at the most crucial time of their intellectual development.
I am a fan of Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham and Mick
Huckabee despite some significant religious disagreements.
So I invite you, when your buttons get pushed, when you feel
depressed or cynical because the system seems corrupt or unjust, hope and pray
for God to raise up people like the dishonest manager who beat the system for
good. Look for signs of new life coming out of death. Pray for understanding
for all of us who do harm even while we are doing our best. Try to bring grace
and light to darkness, not just more hostility and darkness. Live in the light
of God's unqualified love which is bringing all things into fullness in God's
kingdom. And when you are afraid, remember "perfect love casts out
fear." Let your anger, frustration, depression and fear be grounded in the
perfect, infinite love of God. Then look for signs of hope.
You never know when
a desperate dishonest manager will turn everything around for good.
Paul McCracken, from his weekly email "Sunday Lectionary Texts" from
the Jerusalem Institute for Biblical Exploration, September 13, 2016.
William R. Herzog II, Parables as Subversive
Speech, Westminster John Knox, 1994, p. 257. I edited the terms to be
consistent with the rest of the sermon: "owners" for
"masters" and "managers" for "stewards"
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